This handout picture published on the Telegram account of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, shows the square outside the headquarters of the Kharkiv administration in Kharkiv after it was shelled on March 1, 2022. The central square of Ukraine's second city, Kharkiv, was shelled by advancing Russian forces Tuesday -- hitting the building of the local administration -- regional governor Oleg Sinegubov said. "This morning the central square of our city and the headquarters of the Kharkiv administration was criminally attacked," Sinegubov said in a video on Telegram. "Russian occupiers continue to use heavy weaponry against the civilian population," he said, adding that he did not yet know how many victims there were.,Image: 665607910, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Ukraine Emergency Ministry press service / handout" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Din păcate, previziunile dintr-un articol pe care l-am publicat aici, în urmă cu aproape 11 ani, s-au adeverit. Articolul poate fi vizionat aici Previziunile erau pentru vara lui 2014. Atunci a fost un război, de mici dimensiuni ce-i drept. Mă refer aici la anexarea peninsulei Crimeea de către Rusia. A fost o operațiune fulger, care nu a adus prea multă vărsare de sânge. Au urmat apoi 8 ani de lupte în regiunea Donbass, iar acolo în fiecare zi a murit câte 1-2 oameni. Acum este deja un cu totul alt scenariu, unul care ne dă fiori tuturor. Previziunile despre ce se va întâmpla, publicate în octombrie 2011, aparțin astrologului Ada Cocoș, iar la vremea respectivă probabil că au fost luate peste picior. Din păcate, Ada Cocoș a avut mare dreptate.